About Us

Faculty List




MA, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 Cultivating a Culture of Curiosity Deccan Herald Daily 26/10/2017
2 Engendering Gender Studies Deccan Herald - DH Education Daily 28/02/2013
3 For the Sake of Knowledge The Hindu Daily 09/06/2008

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 An Ecology Intervention in an English Studies Programme: Contexts, Complexities and Choices Journal of Dharma 01-Jan-2015 39 / 1 / 1-20

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) PADMAKUMAR M M
Title of Article An Ecology Intervention in an English Studies Programme: Contexts, Complexities and Choices
Name of Journal Journal of Dharma
Volume No 39
Issue No 1
Page No 1-20
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/42240
Date of Publication 01-Jan-2015

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Moderator/Chair First International Academic Confernce of the Wayanad Literature Festival 27/12/2024 Wayanad Literature Festival team International
2 Conference Panelist Vachana 11/01/2024 Christ University National
3 Seminar Moderator/Chair Re-Thinking Region And Regional Media: Focus On Karnataka 28/03/2023 Christ University Regional
4 Conference Presenter International Conference on Dialogue and Solidarity: A Religio-Subaltern Perspective Peace and Harmony Through Inter-Religious Dialogue 24/11/2022 Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram and Christ University International
5 Conference Organizer International Conference on Dialogue and Solidarity: A Religio-Subaltern Perspective 24/11/2022 Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram and Christ University International
6 Conference Moderator/Chair International Media Conference on Media, Culture and Society 23/01/2021 Navrachana University, Gujarat International
7 Conference Organizer Conference on Visual Cultures in Context: Affect, Subversion and Resistance 19/02/2020 Christ University National
8 Seminar Moderator/Chair Bengaluru Sociology Students Seminar - 2020 12/02/2020 Christ University Regional
9 Symposium Presenter National Symposium on Dissent Gender Politics and the Coach Character in Popular Sports Cinemas of India 24/01/2020 Christ University National
10 Symposium Moderator/Chair Mediatron 2020 16/01/2020 Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore Regional
11 Conference Organizer International Playback theatre Network Conference 04/12/2019 Christ University, ITPN and the Actor's Collective International
12 Conference Convenor National Conference on Secularism, State and Interfaith Dialogue 24/09/2019 Christ University, National Foundation for Communal Harmony and Centre for Study of World Religions (DVK) National
13 Seminar Presenter Media Meet 2019 on Media Ethics Ethical Implications of Subjectivity in Joe Sacco's Comic text 'Journalism' 29/08/2019 Christ University National
14 Seminar Moderator/Chair Media Meet 2019 - Media Ethics 29/08/2019 Christ University National
15 Seminar Presenter World Congress on Innovations and Research in Arts, Culture, Literature, Languages, Philosophy and Spirituality Reading the Role of the Male Coach in Indian Sports Cinema 23/02/2019 Christ University National
16 Seminar Presenter Debating Sustainability: Discourses on Environment and Development Are We in the Capitalocene Era? 21/02/2019 Christ University National
17 Symposium Participant Rethinking English Studies in India: The Cultural Studies Turn and its Possibilities 14/02/2019 Christ University National
18 Conference Presenter Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation: Moving From Violence to Sustainable Peace Locating Peace in a Common World 30/01/2019 Christ University International
19 Conference Keynote Speaker National Conference on Literary Theoretical Approaches to Films An Overview of Literary Theoretical Approaches to Films 07/12/2018 St Joseph's College, Trichy National
20 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on NURTURING DIALOGUE: Forms, Persons, and Institutions Dissent as Dialogue: A Reading of Sofia Ashraf?s Viral 10/03/2017 Dharmaram College National
21 Conference Participant Conservation Science and Sustainable Development 24/01/2017 ATREE National
22 Symposium Moderator/Chair Jabberwocky - the Annual Literary Fest 10/01/2017 Christ University Regional
23 Seminar Presenter Media Meet Articulating the Nation through Televised ODI 01/08/2015 Christ University National
24 Symposium Presenter CUFHOSS Screening and discussion of 'Gaur in My Garden' 31/07/2015 Christ University Institutional
25 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on Nationalism as a Religion: Trends in India Interrogating the Gandhian Nationalism of Lagaan 19/12/2014 POMPEI College, Mangalore National
26 Seminar Presenter Maya Bazaar - National Seminar Popular Tamil Cinema Songs: Representation of Love Failure and Social Drinking 19/02/2014 Christ University National
27 Seminar Participant International Seminar on Media as a Reflection 01/08/2013 Department of Media Studies, Christ University International
28 Symposium Presenter Literature and Ethics Reflections and Refractions: Debating Ethics of Dalit Personal Narratives 02/03/2013 Christ University National
29 Conference Presenter National Student's Conference on Literary and Cultural Studies Narrativising a Department of English 25/09/2012 Christ University National
30 Symposium Presenter CUFHOSS Modernity and Modernism 28/01/2012 Christ University Institutional
31 Seminar Presenter International Seminar on Holocaust Literature: Memories and Losses Holocaust and Memory 23/09/2011 University of Mysore International
32 Conference Presenter International Conference on Myticisim without Bounds Mysticism and Narrative Labyrinths 01/01/2011 Christ University International
33 Participant Oral History and the Sense of Legacy - CPH, Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology Regional
34 Participant English Language in Higher Education: Exploring Le - Department of English, Christ University Institutional
35 Participant Editorial Workshop - Routledge and Christ University Institutional
36 Participant Film Appreciation Workshop - Department of English, Christ University National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Moderation of research colloquium Research Colloquium 21/01/2025 St Joseph's University
2 Future Keepers Future Keepers: Building Bangalore's Natural Heritage Legacy 22/11/2024 Ashoka University, Atta Gallata
3 Positive Team Culture Outbound Training of St Francis De Sales College Faculty 09/10/2024 St Franics De Sales College
4 Eyeing the 'I': Probing Privileges and Positions UG&PG Orientation Programme 09/07/2024 CHRIST (Deemed to be University), BGR Campus
5 Education in Context: Bengaluru's Water Crisis Future of Education Series 23/03/2024 Sparkling Mindz Global School
6 Vocational Assessment Session for Students of Media CAPS - Vocational Assessment Session 14/02/2024 CAPS, CHRIST University YPR Campus
7 Digital Literacy: Distinguishing Between Myths and Facts Guest Address on the Occasion of Connect Magazine Release 14/02/2024 Department of Psychology, CHRIST University YPR campus
8 Environment, Ecology and Gandhi Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations 03/10/2023 Department of International Studies, CHRIST University
9 Ethics Of Sustainability And Environmental Justice Ethical Leadership Through Higher Education And Global Engagement: Strategy 2023-2027 05/04/2023 Globethics
10 Beyond Your Wildest Dreams - A call for intensifying wildlife conservation Wildlife Week - Invited talks 06/10/2020 Women's Christian College
11 Journalism in the Time of Covid-19 Panel Discussion 27/06/2020 CHRIST University, Griffith University, University of Versailles
12 A Layman's Quest to Authentic Information Panel Discussion 20/05/2020 Navrachana University
13 Tackling the Infodemic during the Covid-19 Pandemic Dot Talks - Webinar 05/05/2020 Tetso College
14 Literature in the Age of the Anthropocene Faculty Development Programme 01/02/2019 Women's Christian College
15 Nature and Narrative: A Discourse on Eco-criticism and Environmental Justice Dept of English Lecture Series 28/11/2018 St Joseph's Evening College, Bangalore
16 Understanding the Interface Between Ecology and Human Behaviour Special Lecture Series and Workshop 27/07/2015 Periyar University
17 Panel Discussion on Media and Subjectivity Maadhyam - Department of Media Studies, Christ University
18 Panel Discussion on Sports-Writing as Literature META 2013 - The Josephite Festival of Literature - St. Joseph's College of Arts and Science, Bangalore
19 Panel Discussion on Language as a Medium of Communication Maadhyam - Department of Media Studies, Christ University


Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
1 ITPN Conference Interview of Jonathan Fox and Jo Salas Interview
2 Interview with Laura Mulvey Interview

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Cultural Politics of Sports and Nationalism in Indian Popular Cinema Dr Sushma V Murthy

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 . ANJU MICHAEL Christ University January 2023
2 Digital Dimensions of Marginalisation: A Critique of Technological Politics and Culture in Select Contemporary Indian Science Fiction GREESHMA JOHNY Christ University June 2023

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Millets Thintheera? PADMAKUMAR M M, MELJO THOMAS MInistry of Agriculture, Govt of Karnataka External
3 Climate-Focused Solutions Journalism, The Hindu and the Audience?s Response PADMAKUMAR M M Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Orientation Programme for Admin Staff CHRO, CHRIST University Institutional 08/03/2025
2 Public Speaking Workshop Student Welfare Office, St. Francis De Sales College Institutional 12/02/2025
3 Importance of Peace Studies in Higher Education Women's Christian College and UBCHEA Institutional 08/03/2024
4 Millets Thintheera? Centre for Peace Praxis, Ministry of Agriculture Regional 19/12/2023
5 Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding Workshop Inbavanam Resource Center National 17/11/2023
6 Truth Seekers: In Pursuit of a Media-Literate World Centre for Peace Praxis, CHRIST University Institutional 13/10/2023
7 A Multidisciplinary FDP on Work-Life Balance and Teacher Effectiveness in the VUCA World IQAC and Dept of Psychology, Periyar University, Salem Regional 28/08/2023
8 The Beginners Course in Storytelling Kathalaya (affiliated to World Storytelling Centre) International 04/08/2023
9 Media Prosumers for Peace: Savvy Use of Communication Tools for a Better World Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Foundation (MPI) International 22/05/2023
10 Understanding Grassroot Environmental Peace Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Foundation (MPI) International 15/05/2023
11 A Multi Disciplinary Approach To Personal And Professional Well Being In The Interconnected World Internal Quality Assurance cell and Department of Psychology, Periyar University Institutional 20/02/2023
12 Understanding Grassroots Environmental Peace Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute, Philippines International 08/03/2022
13 Peace Education: Designing Pedagogies for Change Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute, Philippines International 25/01/2022
14 Interreligious Cooperation for Peace Part B: Cultural Studies Globe Ethics International 01/12/2021
15 Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects Coursera International 06/06/2021
16 Workshop on Navrachna University Institutional 28/01/2020
17 faculty Development Programme Navrachna University Institutional 27/01/2020
18 faculty Development Programme Navrachna University Institutional 27/01/2020
19 Facilitation Skills Training of Trainers for Peacebuilders Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute International 25/11/2019
20 Workshop on Constructive Alignment in Outcome Based Education CHRIST University and The United Board Institutional 12/09/2019
21 30 M Training on Google Doc for Research Work Department of Media Studies and IT Department of CHRIST University Institutional 22/08/2019
22 30 M Training on Building your Own Website Using Google Site Department of Media Studies and IT Department, CHRIST University Institutional 14/08/2019
23 Paulakala' 19 St Paul's College National 20/02/2019
24 Re-Watering Bangalore Department of Media Studies, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Regional 10/12/2018
25 MPI Annual Peacebuilding Training Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Foundation, Inc., Philippines International 07/05/2018
26 THE CUT BANGALORE 9 Theatre Workshop Evam Entertainment Private Limited Regional 30/05/2009
27 Facilitator Certification in Human Resource Development ( Training Programme) AIM INSIGHTS, The HRD Group, Mangalore Regional 13/05/2005


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Co-organiser Co-organiser - Refresher Course on Trends and Transitions in Humanities and Social Sciences Christ University April / May 2012
2 Co-organiser Co-organiser - Jabberwocky, English Literary Fest Christ University August 2012
3 Co-organiser Co-organiser - Kunchamela - An Art Exhibition-cum-Workshop Christ University July 2011
4 Convenor Convenor: National Symposium on Thinking Subjectivities Christ University February 2011
5 Panelist Panelist: Panel Discussion on The Role of Literature in Journalism, organised by Department of English Christ University September 2007
6 Discussant Discussant: Film Festival, National Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution: A Search Through Dialogue, organised by Department of Psychology Christ University February 2010
7 Judge Judge: Extempore Event, Techno-Cultural Festival, '8th Mile' RV College of Engineering March 2008
8 Judge Judge: Regional Inter-School Declamation Competition, organised by Karnataka ICSE Schools Association Acharya Pathasala Public School July 2011
9 Guest Speaker Orientation Programme titled "Experience for a Life Time" Academic Staff College, Christ University October 2014
10 Resource Person - Moderator National Seminar - Narrating Centers and Peripheries; Minority Discourses in India Department of English, Christ University January 2015
11 Panelist Corpus, One-Day Workshop on Gender Discourses. Panelist for the session on 'The Feminine in Writing' Department of English, Christ University February 2014
12 Co-organiser Staff Sports Organising Committee Christ University December 2013
13 Co-organiser Jabberwocky, a Literary Carnival Department of English, Christ University August 2014
14 great canara Trail Was the Team Leader of The Great Canara Trail trekking expedition to a one-week trekking Expedition to Dandeli-Anshi Tiger Reserve Christ University December 2013
15 The Pearl Valley trail 15 km Run Completed a 15 km Run in the Men's Category Kaagaz Foundation, Bangalore - 102 February 2014
16 Sports and Society - Statement of Accomplishment A Coursera certification Duke University and Coursera October 2014
17 Board of Studies Member Part of the Department of English syllabus board Mount Carmel College 30th Janurary, 2016
18 Convenor-cum-resource person Organised a three-day Peacebuilding Workshop Christ University 24 February 2019
19 Board of Studies member Was invited to be a part of the Academic Advisory Board of School of Liberal Studies and Education for the Programs of BAJMC Navrachana University, Gujarat 15 May 2024


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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